Inspire, Empower & Lead
Mentality is often only referred to in a negative context & as a character flaw. Therefore it is addressed as such, as a personal issue that needs fixing in times of crisis.
Despite wide recognition that mentality plays a crucial role in how we operate, behave & perform there is very little development delivered in this area.
Like any skill, mental skills can be developed to improve confidence, resilience & performance - but it must be developed as a skill.
Developing mental skills allows individuals & teams to maximise other skills sets, natural abilities & to perform at their best.
Initiated by The Mind Gym, we educate, change perceptions, raise self-awareness and start to unlock potential;
The Mind Gym
The Mind Gym plays a fundamental role in building the foundation for growth, in both individuals & teams.
Our skills based model is simple, practical & relevant, meaning it is easily understood so it can be practiced & applied when it's needed.
Whilst ideas create innovation, actions enable improvement - this is the principle of The Performance Mindset & how it develops performance.
Our unique ‘Prepare – Perform – Review’ model prepares athletes for the challenges ahead, supports them in the moment, developing learning & performance consistently;
Performance Preparation
How you prepare to perform is crucial for success, & must be bespoke to ensure the highest performance on a consistent basis.
We build capability at an individual & team level, and enable coach's to prepare teams to perform at their best when its really needed.
Mentality plays a huge role in the delivery of performance - we ensure you prepare to perform at your best & when its really needed.
Performance Delivery
Performance under pressure, clear thinking & decision making is what separates the good from the great.
Having the knowledge, skills & tools that can be applied 'in the moment' are crucial to performance under pressure.
Working with individuals & teams we empower them to deal with the challenges faced with bespoke solutions that work for them.
Performance Review
Self-awareness, honesty & responsibility are crucial for personal development and we embed this throughout the programme.
Reviewing performance, understanding what needs to improve & how to do this enables continuous improvement.
Our Prepare - Perform - Review (repeat) model provides a total performance solution to get the best from individuals & teams.
We understand the intimate relationship between mental skills & performance, to unlock potential & outstanding performance.
The Performance Mindset enables you to integrate mental skills development into coach, player & team development, improving the learning culture.
It enhances the Coach’s tool-kit, via practical mental skill development, to get the best from athletes technical, tactical & physical skills.
Mental skills are required to perform at the highest level & under pressure, but are often the missing component. The Performance Mindset delivers this for you.
Match day can place individuals & teams under intense levels of expectation, scrutiny, and therefore pressure.
We prepare them for what lies ahead, how to deal in the present & perform when it's needed the most.
The process prepares athletes, allowing them to transfer & apply knowledge ‘in the moment’, increasing confidence & performance, this includes;
Please get in touch to discuss how we can work together, & how The Performance Mindset can benefit you.